Cedar Waxwing eating berries on Cascara Buckthorn by Mick Thompson
Backyard Birding: Creating Bird-Friendly Garden Habitats
Presenter: Julie O’Donald
Saturday, October 5, 2024
10:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m.
Rainshadow Hall at Dungeness River Nature Center
Suggested donation: $5
Julie O’Donald
Our Backyard Birding series continues on the first Saturday in October with invited instructor Julie O’Donald, Community Wildlife Habitat Steward and retired Master Gardener. With Julie’s guidance, we will delve into the fascinating world of garden habitat creation. She will overview the elements that create beautiful gardens for birds and people—emphasizing the best native plants for birds and the design features that establish sustainable bird habitat. Using eye-pleasing photography of birds and their food plants, Julie will show us how to bring nature home to any sized property. Learn about the native plants that attract birds, including hummingbirds, with the goal of growing Nature's bird foods.
Julie is the team leader for a Community Wildlife Habitat Project in Snohomish County, affiliated with the National Wildlife Federation. She is actively involved in community education and outreach for the Pilchuck Audubon Society, Kruckeberg Botanic Garden, and the Washington Native Plant Society. Julie's own certified wildlife habitat garden contains over 200 species of native plants—successfully attracting birds, butterflies, and pollinators for more than 25 years. Her garden has been featured in numerous publications including Pacific Horticulture, The Butterfly Gardener, Bird Watching Magazine and Sunset magazines.
Please join us as we continue to learn how to better support essential synergies among birds and plants for greater benefit to—and enjoyment of—birds in our midst! Admission to the series is free. However, we suggest a donation of $5.00 per person to support our ongoing education and bird conservation programs.