American White Pelicans and geese - Photo: Dow Lambert


The Olympic Peninsula Audubon Society (OPAS) is a Chartered Chapter of the National Audubon Society. OPAS is an all-volunteer organization that promotes birding, education, and conservation of habitat on the north Olympic Peninsula.

Click on the Join or Renew Online or Join or Renew by Mail buttons to learn about membership options.

The Olympic Peninsula Audubon Society provides friendship and camaraderie with an active and informed birding group.

  • Local and regional birding field trips guided by experienced volunteer birders

  • Monthly meetings on the third Wednesday of each month (except July, Aug & Dec) featuring an array of interesting guest speakers

  • A monthly newsletter (Harlequin Happenings)

  • Local bird conservation and monitoring programs

  • An informative website with current posting of bird sightings, available programs and current conservation issues as well as a Facebook page

  • A wide array of classes and informational programs such as Backyard Birding, Beginning Birding & Newcomers Class

  • Reduced rates for classes offered by the Dungeness River Audubon Center

  • Interesting and enriching volunteer opportunities for you and your family

The Olympic Peninsula Audubon Society is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Your contribution is fully tax-deductible and your entire gift is eligible to be reported to the IRS as a tax-deductible contribution.

For questions about your membership, please complete and submit the online form below.