Birds and Wildlife Need You!
Hooded Merganser
Photo: John Gatchet
The only way we’ll be successful in our conservation efforts is with your help. We know that lawmakers care about your views and opinions. As a constituent, you have a unique ability to convey your concerns about issues affecting birds, wildlife and their habitats.
Helping is easy, won’t take much time, and most importantly, will go a very long way in protecting our birds and wildlife!
Advocate for birds
Be a voice for birds by speaking up about issues affecting birds, wildlife, and their habitats. An easy way to get involved is to join Audubon’s Action Network. Sign up to receive Action Alerts from Audubon Washington, and you’ll receive regular updates on issues needing support. For information on ways to support federal bird-friendly legislation, visit National Audubon’s Take Action page.
Contribute to the scientific understanding of birds and their habitats
By recording the birds that you see at home or in your travels using protocols developed by scientists, you can contribute valuable scientific data that will help inform bird conservation efforts. Olympic Peninsula Audubon is involved in many community science projects (also referred to as citizen science), including the Trumpeter/Tundra Swan Study, Western Bluebird Climate Watch, Pigeon Guillemot Survey, Purple Martin Nest Box Survey, Puget Sound Seabird Study and the Christmas Bird Count - the nation’s longest-running community science bird project.
Consider volunteering for any of these projects by contacting Bob Phreaner or Joyce Volmut, conservation committee co-chairs.