Marbled Murrelet - Photo: USFWS
Dungeness Recreation Area
Dungeness Recreation Area
The Dungeness Recreation Area (DRA) is a Clallam County-owned park and is operated by the Clallam County Parks Board. The park, located northwest of Sequim, is well known as the entrance and trailhead to the Dungeness Spit, the longest natural spit in the nation at 5 ½ miles in length.
Marbled Murrelet
Photo: USFWS
Marbled Murrelet Long Term Conservation Strategy
The Marbled Murrelet was listed by the Federal Government as a Threatened species in 1992 and listed by Washington State as Endangered in 2016. This endangered seabird feeds in the ocean and flies up to 55 miles inland to nest in old growth forest.
Wild Olympics Campaign Poster
Wild Olympics Campaign
The Olympic Peninsula Audubon Society is a participating member of the Wild Olympics Campaign, a coalition working to protect watersheds on the Olympic Peninsula. These forests and rivers provide local communities with clean water, unmatched outdoor recreation opportunities . . .