Pigeon Guillemot - Photo: Dee Renee Ericks
Pigeon Guillemot Survey
Pigeon Guillemot flying to nest.
Photo: Chris Perry
The Salish Sea Guillemot Network monitoring program began with the Whidbey Audubon Society some years ago. It has grown into a region-wide program with over 200 volunteers. Clallam County's efforts are sponsored and managed by the County's Marine Resources Committee (MRC). About 25 Clallam volunteers monitor 15 nesting sites. OPAS members are active in the volunteer ranks.
Puget Sound Seabird Survey
Heerman’s Gulls
Photo: Judith White
Seattle Audubon’s Puget Sound Seabird Survey (PSSS) is a community science program where volunteer birdwatchers gather data on seabird populations.
The program, managed by Seattle Audubon, trains volunteer birdwatchers to gather valuable data on wintering seabird populations in Puget Sound, Strait of Juan de Fuca, and waters surrounding the San Juan Islands.
Purple Martin Nest Box Project
Purple Martin (male)
Photo: Chris Perry
The Purple Martin (PUMA) Nest Box Update for July 27, 2022 is now available. Read about the Protection Island Purple Martin nest viability using an endoscope.
Three Crabs Bird Study 2014 - 2018
Glaucous-winged Gulls at 3 Crabs
Photo: Bob Boekelheide
The Three Crabs Restoration Project, led by North Olympic Salmon Coalition and Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, sought to increase salmonid use of the Meadowbrook Creek estuary by removing the old Three Crabs restaurant, rerouting Three Crabs Road, and enlarging tidal flow within Meadowbrook Creek. It also provided an opportunity for OPAS to see how birds responded to habitat changes created by the project.
Trumpeter/Tundra Swan Study
Trumpeter Swan
Photo: Dee Renee Ericks
Since the winter of 2011–2012, OPAS has partnered with Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife and presently, the Northwest Swan Conservation Association, to conduct a swan survey in the Sequim-Dungeness area.
The data collected by citizen science volunteer surveyors provides a database of information that not only tracks swan numbers, but also locates feeding areas and night roosts. Read our updated, 2023–2024 season summary.
Western Bluebird/Climate Watch Study
Western Bluebird chicks
Photo: Cindy Fullwiler
The OPAS Western Bluebird Program started in 2016 to collect data on the nesting habits of the Western Bluebird in the OPAS chapter area of Clallam County. In the same year, National Audubon released the Audubon Birds and Climate Change Report that highlighted the risks that climate change poses to birds across North America. Read the latest Western Bluebird/Climate Watch update for May 2024.