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Build Your Own Nest Box!

  • Dungeness River Nature Center 1943 W Hendrickson Road Sequim, Washington 98382 U.S.A. (map)

Build Your Own Nest Box!
Saturday, February 22, 2025 – 10:00 AM–12:00 PM
Location: Dungeness River Nature Center, Rainshadow Hall
Price: $35.00 per nest box (fee covers materials & supports Center’s programs)
Class limit 18 – Must pre-register
Class leader:  Ken Wiersema

Since 1998, Olympic Peninsula Audubon Society has offered classes on the design and fabrication of nest boxes. Again this year, we are offering our annual class to our local community. In this class you will learn why we build nest boxes, which birds use them, and how to build your own! The class includes a short, illustrated presentation followed by hands-on assembly of a box from a precut kit that attendees will take home to install near their homes. Class fee includes: Illustrated presentation, a nest box kit (cut from local rough-sawn cedar), assembly materials, needed assembly tools, and expert assistance.

This is a family event; carpentry skills are not required. Children are encouraged to participate in the building process with family guidance and supervision. Please bring light work gloves if you are allergic to raw cedar wood. The program will be led by Ken Wiersema, Education Chair of Olympic Peninsula Audubon Society, and a volunteer instructor in our Center for over 25 years, assisted by several local craft folks.

Earlier Event: February 19
OPAS Program: Insects in the Olympics
Later Event: March 1
OPAS Backyard Birding: "Migration"