Results of 3 Crabs Purple Martin Field Trip July 22, 2021

By Dee Renee Ericks

The July 22 field trip to the Three Crabs Purple Martin nest boxes yielded some interesting finds!

A few intrepid souls joined the PUMA crew to help check on the Purple Martin's nesting success. Clad in knee high rubber boots, we tromped out to the pilings at a -3 ft. negative tide. The ocean had pulled back to reveal many interesting sea grasses and shelled creatures along the way.


PUMA crew walking on mudflats at 3 Crabs. Photo: Dee Renee Ericks


Utilizing a specialized ladder against the piling, the crew is able to access and quickly take inventory of the nests. One strong (and very important) fellow holds the ladder, while the most brave and nimble person scampers up, with endoscope in hand.

Dow Lambert inserting endoscope and using phone app. Photo: Dee Renee Ericks

Dow Lambert taking a photo inside nest box. Photo: Dee Renee Ericks

The endoscope is gently inserted into a tiny pre-drilled hole in the upper portion of the nest box. It has a tiny camera on the end which can wirelessly transmit images to a tablet or cell phone app.

We found 14 of the 18 off-shore nest boxes had been utilized. At least 22 adult Purple Martins were observed nearby in flight. The nest box tally revealed a total of 39 chicks, and 12 unhatched eggs.


PUMA at nest boxes. Photo: Dee Renee Ericks


The youngest chicks were pink and smooth, and the older chicks sported pin feathers and down.


At the on-shore nest boxes, Purple Martins were observed feeding in 3 of the 4 boxes.

The recent stretch of hot weather may have affected viability of a few chicks and eggs. We will know more after our August check!