Elwha River Mouth Virtual Field Trip
Date and Time: Friday September 25, 1-2 pm
Leader: Judi White
Cost: Free.
Meeting Place: Zoom. Register below to receive Zoom information
Iceland (Thayer’s) Gull
Photo: Bob Boekelheide
Features: From the comfort of your home, take a trip to the Elwha River Mouth. Find out why The Great Washington State Birding Trail and Important Bird Area recognitions were given, with 180 bird species recorded for this eBird Hotspot. Features maps, directions, and photos of birds regularly seen across the seasons. A great planning tool for future birding, or just sit back and enjoy the Elwha River Mouth as it bursts with new life, restoring the estuarine ecosystem following the removal of the Elwha Dam in 2012.
Register for the Elwha River Mouth virtual field trip by clicking on the button below. Scroll down in your confirmation email from Eventbrite to the "Additional information" for Zoom instructions. You will also receive a reminder one day before the event that will again provide the Zoom instructions.