OPAS Virtual Book Group: Mind of the Raven — OLYMPIC PENINSULA AUDUBON SOCIETY
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OPAS Virtual Book Group: Mind of the Raven

Mind of the Raven: Investigations and Adventures With Wolf-Birds
Author: Bernd Heinrich
Date: November 24, 2020. 4:00 - 5:30 p.m.
Moderator: Ken Wiersema
Cost Free
Virtual Meeting by Zoom. Register below to receive a link invitation.

Ken’s comments on the book:

Several  months ago, I was asked to moderate this November’s discussion of Bernd Heinrich’s 1999 book, Mind of the Raven. I agreed to do it as it was certainly one of my personal favorite birds to study. I own two copies of this book, which I’ve read and reread more than a few times. It has been a key reference for classes and programs I have presented to OPAS and River Center programs for numerous years. 

The book is a follow-on to Bernd Heinrich’s 1989 book Ravens in Winter, and relates to several books written by John and Colleen Marzluff on Ravens and other Corvids about their research work with Heinrich in the Maine woods. The cognitive capabilities of Ravens remain a captivating subject to contemplate. 

Please join us for a discussion of this book and related writings on Ravens and Corvids, in a virtual get together on Tuesday November 24th at 4 p.m. In order to read the book, you can check with the Sequim Library (NOLS had a copy in their system once) , try ordering a copy from the Dungeness River Audubon Center’s online gift shop, make arrangements to borrow one of my copies, or of course find it either on-line or in e-book form.  No need to read the book either, just join us for an informal, collegial exchange of ideas on this fascinating species of birds.    

There will not be an OPAS  Book Discussion Group in December, and we’ve not selected a book to discuss in January 2021.  We also need someone to step forward and offer to schedule and organize future Book Discussions. You would not have to read or purchase every book discussed. We just need to lay out a schedule of books to discuss and arrange for a person to moderate the discussion in a given month.  Please consider volunteering for such an opportunity.  Email Ken Wiersema at  president@olympicpeninsulaaudubon.org   Thanks! 

Register for the Mind of the Raven virtual discussion by clicking on the button below. Scroll down in your confirmation email from Eventbrite to the "Additional information" for Zoom instructions. You will also receive a reminder one day before the event that will again provide the Zoom instructions.