Harlequin Duck by Chris Perry
“Why Washington Matters to Waterfowl”
Presented by Kyle Spragens, Waterfowl Section Manager, Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife
Rainshadow Hall at the Dungeness River Nature Center
Wednesday, March 15, 2023 at 7:00pm
For a variety of reasons, the ducks, geese, and swans that rely upon Washington's waters and wetlands every year, are often taken for granted or unnoticed. Using insights and stories from projects across the Pacific Flyway, you will come away with a deeper appreciation and the urge to take a longer look at these migratory masters of the marsh.
Kyle Spragens, WDFW
Kyle is Waterfowl Section Manager for the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, and serves as technical liaison to the Pacific Flyway Council. His adventures in waterfowl span from the Canadian Arctic tundra to fishponds in Hong Kong’s Pearl River Delta, including six years as a Wildlife Biologist for the USGS-San Francisco Bay Estuary Field Station and three years as Senior Waterfowl Biologist for the USFWS-Yukon Delta National Wildlife Refuge in Bethel, Alaska.
Kyle builds partnerships across the Pacific and East Asian-Australasian Flyways, addressing issues of nesting waterfowl, migration chronology, sea-level rise impacts to migratory bird habitats, and spatio-temporal dynamics of habitat use.