Bull Trout: Photo courtesy of Shutterstock
Snorkeling the Dungeness: A Riverscape Survey of Dungeness River Bull Trout
Presented by Kathryn Sutton, WDFW
January 19, 2022 at 7:00 PM
Meeting held by Zoom. Register below to receive Zoom information.
OPAS will address a few updates with the presentation to follow.
Kathryn Suttton snorkeling the Dungeness
Bull trout were once widespread throughout the Pacific Northwest, but are now limited to small fragmented populations. Dungeness River bull trout are genetically different from other populations and not much is known about their population size or distribution. In an attempt to improve knowledge of bull trout in the Dungeness, over 20 biologists completed a riverscape survey by snorkeling the Dungeness River from the anadromous barrier at river mile 19 (Gold Creek falls) to the mouth, as well as the lower 4 miles of the Gray Wolf River.
Fish biologist Kathryn Sutton will discuss the findings from this and other surveys at the Olympic Peninsula Audubon Society’s monthly membership meeting on January 20, 2022 at 7:00pm. Due to the combined effects of continuing construction on the Dungeness Nature Center and Covid 19 concerns, this will be a Zoom meeting, hopefully our last.
Kathryn Sutton
Kathryn Sutton, M.S., is a fish biologist for Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) in Port Angeles, WA. She has worked on multiple salmon and steelhead monitoring projects for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in Red Bluff, California, and the National Park Service in Lake Clark National Park, Alaska. In 2015 she moved to Port Angeles to work for Olympic National Park, monitoring recolonization of bull trout and other salmonids after removal of two dams in the Elwha River. In her current position with WDFW, she manages fisheries in the Strait of Juan de Fuca and North Coast of the Olympic Peninsula and works to increase our knowledge of Olympic Peninsula bull trout. On land, she can usually be found on trails, rocky cliffs or snow.
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