2020 Sequim-Dungeness Christmas Bird Count Results

by Bob Boekelheide

Many thanks to everyone who helped with the Sequim-Dungeness Christmas Bird Count (SDCBC) on Dec 14, 2020. Despite many COVID restrictions, our valiant observers did an incredible job, truly beyond expectations. The weather also cooperated very well, providing a beautiful day with light winds, partly cloudy skies, and unseasonably warm temperatures.    

This year we counted 79,636 individual birds of 149 species ( click here to see accompanying table). This is the fourth highest species count for the 45 years of our CBC, not very far from our all-time record of 154 species in 2015.  The number of individuals was also the fourth highest count for our CBC, compared to a record 85,777 counted in 2011. All together, we had 93 field observers along with 17 feeder watchers, slightly below the average number of counters in recent years.

Our count might have been even higher, but the offshore boat did not go out this year as a COVID precaution. Also with COVID in mind, several field parties split up for the entire day, which actually allowed more concentrated viewing in some areas.

The most abundant species, as usual, was American Wigeon with 16,587, very close to its all-time record.  Other species in the top ten, in decreasing order of abundance, were Pine Siskin (8966), Mallard (7140), American Robin (5198), Northern Pintail (4037), Glaucous-winged/Olympic Gull (3322), Brant (2513), Bufflehead (2146), Red-winged Blackbird (1911), and Dunlin (1773). These 10 species made up about two-thirds of all the birds seen on our count.  

Several species set records or near-records for the 45 years of our count: Trumpeter Swan, Eurasian Wigeon, American Wigeon, Greater Scaup, Long-billed Dowitcher, Short-eared Owl, Anna’s Hummingbird, Merlin, Red-breasted Nuthatch, Red-winged Blackbird, House Finch, Pine Siskin, and Evening Grosbeak.

Pine Siskin
Photo: Jim Gift

Pine Siskins are the big winners. This has been a huge year for irruptive siskins in the Northwest, with swirling clouds of siskins working alder cones and backyard feeders. The almost 9000 siskins counted this year goes far beyond the old record of about 6200 set in 2007. The high count of Merlins might also be a response to the high siskin numbers, as some field parties reported merlins hanging out near the swirling siskin flocks.

Diving ducks did quite well, particularly Greater Scaup and Surf and White-winged Scoters, which might indicate that nearshore habitats used by these bottom-feeding ducks are doing better.

Eurasian Collared-Dove
Photo: Bob Boekelheide

One species in apparent decline is Eurasian Collared-Dove, which scored their lowest count since 2009 (click on graph below to enlarge). This invasive dove first appeared on the SDCBC in 2007, then exponentially increased to a high of 342 in 2015. Since 2015 their CBC numbers have bounced around, but this year they fell off a cliff. Perhaps predators such as Cooper's Hawks are finally having a serious impact on collared-dove numbers.


A few other species scored well below average, particularly Hooded Mergansers and Golden-crowned Kinglets. Why fewer Golden-crowned Kinglets?  Their flocks have also been smaller at RR Bridge Park this fall, suggesting their population is at a low-point right now.

Sandhill Crane with Trumpeter Swan
Photo: Bob Boekelheide

Two stake-out species cooperated well for the count -- a Sandhill Crane hanging out with swans, and a Pacific Golden-Plover hanging out with Black-bellied Plovers. This is at least the fourth straight year for a Pacific Golden-Plover to spend the winter around Dungeness, perhaps the furthest-north wintering Pacific Golden-Plover in the world.

Turkey Vulture
Photo: Margorie Palmer

Other unexpected species included: 1) a Blue-winged Teal near the Olympic Game Farm; 2) one Turkey Vulture near Three Crabs and another near McDonnell Creek (counted as the same bird); 3) a Northern Goshawk at Graysmarsh; 4) a Gyrfalcon at Graysmarsh and Dungeness Spit (counted as the same bird); 5) five Snow Buntings at Dungeness Spit; and 6) perhaps the strangest of all, a well-described MacGillivray’s Warbler near Cassalery Creek north of Sequim.  Some “unusual” species are now expected annually on our count, such as Willet, Yellow-billed Loon, and White-throated Sparrow.

Count week birds (seen within three days of the count but not on count day) included an American Bittern at the Towne Rd marsh, a Rough-legged Hawk off Keeler Rd, and Western Bluebirds on the west side of RR Bridge Park.  Sure wish they had shown up on Dec 14.

Next year’s count will be Monday Dec 20, 2021, so put it on your calendars right now. Hopefully COVID will be a thing of the past and we’ll see you at the compilation in the new meeting hall at the Dungeness River Audubon Center.

Bravo for this year's Christmas Bird Counters: Jamie Acker, Alex Patia, Joseph Zofrea, Carolyn Wilcox, Lindsey Schromen-Wawrin, Ken Wiersema, Dow Lambert, Michael Barry, Myra & Ed Koszykowski, Laura Davis, Alan Smith, Barb & Bob Boekelheide, Scott Gremel, Mandy Holmgren, Eric Guzman, Sara Cendejas-Zarelli, Bruce LaBar, Dave Manson, Tom Butler, Mike Sheldon, Lee Bowen, Brad Waggoner, Dan Waggoner, Mike Crim, Alex Scagliotti, Bruce & Sharon Paige, Dana Scott, Ron Miller, Steven Smith, Sandy Schlechter, Susan Savage, Bob Blush, Audrey & Jim Gift, Bob Hutchison, Margaret Levitan, Carol & Bruce Von Borstel, Judy Mullally, Fred Sharpe, Debaran Kelso, Powell Jones, Greg Voyles, Katherine Bush, Otis Bush, John Gatchet, Bob Bagwell, David Durham, Brenda Landstrom, Sue Thomas, Lorenz Sollman, Charlotte Watts, Valerie Wolcott, John Bridge, Kendra Donelson, Joyce Volmut, Kelly Lenihan, Sierra Hemmig, Norrie & Barb Johnson, Ida Domazlicky, Jane Nicholas, Mary Morgan, Tim McNulty, Randy Larson, Dave Shreffler, Sue Nattinger, Coleman Byrnes, Sara Blake, Kathe Smith, Margie Palmer, Tom Guobis, Joan McDermott, Debbi Turner, Barbara Vanderwerf, Sarah Bird, Marie Grad, Valerie & Dan Stahler, Jim & Elena Karr, Skip Perkins, Steve Koehler, Sharle Osborne, Forest Koehler, Bob Iddins, Vince Thrutchley, Margie & Wayne Sladek, Gary Bullock, Enid & Bob Phreaner, Ron Wight, Liam Antrim, Pam Maurides, Stacey Fradkin, Marion Rutledge, Grace & Kate Goschen, Susan Pittman, Mary Robson, Jenna Ziogas, Ally Simons, Joy Bertman, Sandy Boren, Doris Causey, & Sarah Miller.